18th - 22nd September 2023

Well done for settling into Year 1 for another week, the children continue to make us proud with all the hard work they are doing.

Highlights of the week:

● Phonics – This week in phonics we have been learning the /oi/ code, learning both letter groups ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. We have practised reading them in words and writing sentences containing these letter groups. We have also been practising our letter formation and using sound dashes to help us segment and blend a word. Please practise these sounds with your child at home from the sheets in their phonics folders. Each child has a reading book in their bag also for reading at home.

● Drawing Club – This week in Drawing Club we have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have warmed to this book very well as they know and love the story! We have been drawing the Bears/Goldilocks, the Bear’s house, and even a map for the Bear’s to use to help them find Goldilocks!


● Guided Reading – In Guided Reading we used our story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and worked whole-class to create a story map. We added drawings and actions to help us retell the story. The children did very well with this! Here is our story map, we wonder if you could ask your child if they could remember their actions to retell the story?

Story map

● Maths – In maths we have been practising counting backwards within 10, and using multilink and natural resources to help us find one more and one less of numbers 1-10. I wonder if you could find things around your home and count how many you have – work out one more or one less.

● Geography – This week we have started our Geography unit, learning about our local area. We began by reading Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins, to help us plan a route around the classroom. We used directions and instructions, from Rosie’s Walk, to help us direct our partners to a destination. We have also walked around the school building and grounds, to begin to plan a larger route. This was really fun!

Rosies walk

● Art – We have also started our Art unit this week: painting! We have discussed what painting experience we have had before, and how we are going to develop these skills in year 1. We experimented with different paints and brushes/sponges, to think about which tools would be most useful for different paintings – such as using thin brushes to make an outline or write a name; a thick brush for filling in a larger area with paint. We have also discussed primary colours: red, yellow and blue. We did a colour hunt in our classrooms to sort items that were red, yellow and blue. We found lots! Some we discussed had primary colours on them, but may also have had a mix of secondary colours too.

Home Learning:

● Phonics/Reading - Recap our new phonics letter groups ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ that you will find in your child’s phonics folder. Please read your child’s unit book with them too.
● NumBots – Continue playing NumBots at home and work hard to level up your character! You could take home a NumBots certificate in celebration assembly!

Key Information:

PE days are Mondays (indoor PE) and Tuesdays (outdoor PE) - please make sure your child has a fully LABELLED PE kit in school for both days. As the weather begins to get cold/wet, please be mindful that tracksuit bottoms may be more suitable than shorts, especially for outdoor PE sessions.
● Our library day is Thursday - please make sure your child’s library book is in their bag every Thursday, so it can be returned and changed for a new book.
● As the weather begins to get colder and can rain on a whim, please can you send your child to school with a coat.