Year 2 - Weekly Updates

9th - 12th October 2023 - posted 13th Oct

Highlights of the week:

This week we have been story planning and writing in English.
We are getting ready for our parent event next week (Friday 20th October 2:45-3:15) by writing our stories. We planned the story and included expanded noun phrases and new vocabulary we have been looking at. When planning our stories, we drew story maps and told our talk partners our stories.

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2nd - 6th October 2023 - posted 6th Oct

Highlights of the week:

English has been fun this week. We have been exploring our focus picture book of ‘Journey’ by using the front cover to predict what we think the story will entail. We also explored new vocabulary and used a dictionary to find the definitions of words we were unsure of. Using colourful semantics, the children created word banks using adjectives to describe the settings of the illustrations on the pages inside the story. We will be using these to support us in writing our setting descriptions.

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25th - 29th September 2023 - posted 29th Sep

Highlights of the week:

English has been fun this week. We have been exploring our focus picture book of ‘Journey’ by using the front cover to predict what we think the story will entail. We also explored new vocabulary and used a dictionary to find the definitions of words we were unsure of. Using colourful semantics, the children created word banks using adjectives to describe the settings of the illustrations on the pages inside the story. We will be using these to support us in writing our setting descriptions.

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18th - 22nd September 2023 - posted 22nd Sep

Highlights of the week:

This week we have written character descriptions. We have described our characters by using ‘noun phrases’ and joining two clauses together by using the coordinating conjunction ‘and’. We practised editing our writing by reading it back to ourselves and checking the spelling of year one common exception words. We then finished teh week by publishing our writing. This is where we were able to focus on our handwriting and make sure we were forming letters correctly, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

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