9th - 12th October 2023

Highlights of the week:

This week we have been story planning and writing in English.
We are getting ready for our parent event next week (Friday 20th October 2:45-3:15) by writing our stories. We planned the story and included expanded noun phrases and new vocabulary we have been looking at. When planning our stories, we drew story maps and told our talk partners our stories.

In maths this week we have been comparing different objects and numbers. First, we looked at the different amounts and then we talked about which one was greater and which one was less. After comparing them with greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) we placed numbers in order. We learnt that we needed to look at the place value in the two-digit numbers to be able to place them in the correct places. For example, to order 45, 67, 76 and 12, we need to look at the value of the tens column first before the ones column. This would show that 12 is the smallest number and 76 is the greatest number. We can then order them from smallest to greatest.

In Phonics we continued the Unit 7 sounds. This week we focused on ‘-la’ spelling of the /ul/ sound. We learnt the common exception words ‘path’ ‘bath’ and ‘father. The children focused on the ‘a’ making the ‘ar’ sound. Your child will bring home their Phonics folder on Friday. To support your child please complete the homework sheet to recap the words from the week. It is also important to read the previous words and stories with your child to secure their understanding of the spelling rules.

In Science we have planted our seeds. This is part of our experiment to see if plants will survive in the winter. The children made predictions on what they thought was going to happen last week. Now they are planted we will observe to see if they will grow.

Home learning:

In year 2 we have three areas of homework: reading, phonics and maths.
It is important for reading and maths to happen every night to support your child in fluency and confidence.
● Reading with your child every night. Your child has a reading book from our phonics scheme and children are encouraged daily to change this when they need a new one.
● 10 minutes of numbots a night. Your child will have a copy of their login details in their bag in case you no longer have a copy. Numbots supports fluency in maths and allows your child to practise key skills we have learnt in school.
● On a Friday your child will arrive home with their Phonics folders and a home learning sheet which will be a recap of the taught sound of the week. To support your child’s learning, review the sounds we have learnt so far in year 2 and fill in the home learning sheet.

Thank you to all the parents who have completed the homework sheets over the last two weeks. Please remember to bring the phonics folders back in on Monday so we can use them in school.