Year 3 - Weekly updates

2nd - 6th October 2023 - posted 6th Oct

Highlights of the week:

In English this week, we read the ending of Stone Age Boy. We then started planning and writing our own narrative, ‘21st Century Girl’. We thought about how a girl from the Stone Age might see our world. We drew story maps and wrote the opening of our stories.

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25th - 29th September 2023 - posted 29th Sep

Highlights of the week:

In English this week, we continued to look at ‘Stone Age Boy’. We wrote a diary entry as if we were ‘The Boy’ who had landed in the Stone Age. We thought about the features from our last diary entry and tried to include them in our writing. Towards the end of the week, we read the whole story and story mapped the key parts of the story.  

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18th - 22nd September 2023 - posted 22nd Sep

Highlights of the week:

In English this week, we have started looking at "Stone Age Boy. We began the week looking at the front cover and an image from inside the book. Using our predicting skills, we tried to predict what the story could be about and came up with some questions to ask one of the characters.

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