11th - 15th September 2023

Highlights of the Week:

This week the children have continued to rise to the expectations of Year 4 and demonstrated fantastic attitudes towards their learning.

In English, the children have been excited to write their diary entry in role as the Wishgranter. The children worked very hard and sustained their concentration for a long period of time, focusing on using emotive language and fronted adverbials of manner.


In Maths we are continuing our place value unit. This week, the children have represented and partitioned numbers to 10,000 into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
They have enjoyed using practical resources to reinforce their understanding.

Year 4 maths2

In History this week we have continued our learning about The Romans. The children learned about how the Roman Empire was formed and why The Romans invaded Britain.

Yr 4 Romans2

In Science we began our learning around teeth. The children enjoyed learning about the different types of teeth and their functions.

Teeth Yr 4

In Art, the children have continued learning about shading to create tone. We discussed how to make an object look 3D through our use of pressure on the paper and focusing on where the light hits the object. The children then had a go at drawing and shading Roman pottery.


Home learning:

● We will be continuing with TimesTables Rockstars, so please support your child to access it online. It is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day for maximum impact.
● Please make sure you are still reading with your child at least four times a week.

Key Information:

● PE days for Year 3 are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their kit on these days.
● Our library day is Monday, so please make sure your child has their library book to return or renew.