11th - 15th September 2023

What another lovely week we've shared! The children have really enjoyed being Year 2 and following their new classroom routines.

Highlights of the week:

We have had fun working together to build sentences about the main character from our focus story ‘Journey’, using question prompted semantics to help us gather ideas. We then thought about how we could make our sentences even better by using descriptive language including adjectives. We also merged our sentences into compound sentences by adding the coordinating conjunction ‘and’.

Continuing the focus of Place value in Maths, we have been counting in tens to 100 using different apparatus to help us including 100 squares and multilink. We have also been focusing on recognising tens and ones within a number using a place value chart to represent this using dienes as an apparatus.

This week in Phonics we looked at /ge/, /gi/ and /gy/ to recap the reading and spelling rule. We then both independently and as a class read these sounds within words and sentences. Additionally, we have recapped the ‘air’ letter group alternatives: /air/, /ere/, /ear/ and /are/. We also completed an independent write using a picture as a prompt and the Alphabetic Code sound mats to support.

In Science we have continued focusing on our longitudinal study of plants. We have explored further into plants and trees including their features and what they need to survive. We also compared similarities and differences between them.

In our wider curriculum subjects this week we have been continuing to use map work in Geography including navigating our way around the school. With our unit of ‘Being me’ for our Jigsaw PSHE lessons, this week, we explored things that were positive and negative behaviours both inside and outside of school. In Computing, we learned how to search information on the internet safely using keywords. We explored different media in art focusing on different graded pencils and the effect they can make. We investigated our favourites by creating an observational sketch of a piece of fruit.

Home learning:

● Please ensure you are reading with your child at home as this will support them with both their reading and writing in school.
● Please support your child to access Numbots online. It is recommended that children play Numbots for 10 minutes a day for maximum impact.
● Your child will arrive home with their Phonics folders. Please support your child with recapping their learning to ensure a secure understanding.

Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school so that they can participate. If your child wears earrings please could they be removed or taped up before school. Thank you. See you next week!