2nd - 6th October 2023

Highlights of the week:

English has been fun this week. We have been exploring our focus picture book of ‘Journey’ by using the front cover to predict what we think the story will entail. We also explored new vocabulary and used a dictionary to find the definitions of words we were unsure of. Using colourful semantics, the children created word banks using adjectives to describe the settings of the illustrations on the pages inside the story. We will be using these to support us in writing our setting descriptions.

In Maths this week we have been using Maths Mastery exploring our new rekenreks resources. We have been continuing to look at place value and partitioning and have introduced the idea of flexible partitioning to the children. We have also been learning how to write numbers to 100 in words using place value. 

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This week in Phonics we began the new Unit 7 sounds. This week we focused on ‘-le’ as well as recapping the alternative spellings for the /ear/ sound from Unit 6. We also looked at the homophones ‘bee’ and ‘sea’. The children really enjoyed learning a new sound this week and have been applying this in their writing.

In Science we have been recapping all our findings from the plants around our school on our hunt last week. We then created posters to inform people of the different types of trees and their similarities and differences including their features and what they need to grow and survive.

Geography was all about maps and satellites. We used the iPads to explore Google Maps and Google Earth and compared the similarities and differences between them. The children were really excited to look up Boorley Park!

In our Art this week, we have been experimenting with water colours using the Primary colours to create Secondary ones for a colour chart as well as trying to make the colours different tones by adding more or less water to the paint.

Home learning:

● Please ensure you are reading with your child at home as this will support them with both their reading and writing in school.
● Please support your child to access Numbots online. It is recommended that children play Numbots for 10 minutes a day for maximum impact.
● Your child will arrive home with their Phonics folders and a home learning sheet which will be a recap of the taught sound of the week. Please support your child with recapping their learning to ensure a secure understanding.

Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Thank you. See you next week!