11th - 15th September 2023

Highlights of the week:

In Year 3, we have been working really hard this week and we stepped up to the challenges of Key Stage 2.

In our English class, we've been delving deeper into the literacy shed film titled 'Something Fishy.' Our imaginative journey led us to contemplate the intriguing idea of leaping into our very own washing machines, only to find a fantastical world where our clothes had transformed into aquatic creatures. This week, we embraced the opportunity to channel our creativity by penning diary entries from the perspective of the story's main character.


Our main focus in Maths has been place value. We have moved onto looking at 100s, 10s and 1s. We have challenged ourselves to look at flexible partitioning and looked at how many different ways we could split 3-digit numbers.

Maths Yr 4

This week in Phonics we looked at /-aigh/ as in straight and /-ea/ as in steak. The class have shown great understanding in how to use the new phonics scheme and have practised saying, reading and writing the daily sounds. They have also practised writing these in their handwriting sessions to cement their understanding of the spellings of these words.

During our art class, we carried on with our exploration of cave paintings as part of our ongoing unit. We delved into various sketching techniques, including hatching and cross-hatching, to enhance our artistic skills and capture the essence of this historical art form.

In our PE lesson with ICON Sports, the emphasis was on fostering teamwork and camaraderie as we enthusiastically participated in a game of Capture the Flag. This engaging activity not only got our hearts racing but also highlighted the significance of working together and developing strategic plans to achieve our goals.

We started our RE topic this week and we looked at what it means to belong. During the lesson, we discussed the different groups we belong to and realised that we had a lot in common with each other.

Home learning:

● We have TimesTables Rockstars, please support your child to access it online. It is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day for maximum impact.
● Please make sure you are reading with your child at least four times a week.

Key Information:

● PE days for Year 3 are Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school so that they can participate. If your child wears earrings please could they be removed or taped up before school.
● Our library days are on Wednesdays, please can you make sure your child has their library book to return or renew.