25th - 29th September 2023

Highlights of the week:

In English this week, we continued to look at ‘Stone Age Boy’. We wrote a diary entry as if we were ‘The Boy’ who had landed in the Stone Age. We thought about the features from our last diary entry and tried to include them in our writing. Towards the end of the week, we read the whole story and story mapped the key parts of the story.  

Stone Age Boy2

This week in maths, we focused on comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. We used symbols like ">" and "<" to see which numbers are bigger or smaller. We also learned about the different parts of big numbers to understand why one is greater than another. This helps us with place value and number relationships in maths.

This week in Phonics we looked at /-ie/ as in movies and /y/ rainy. The class have shown great understanding in how to use the new phonics scheme and have practised saying, reading and writing the daily sounds. They have also practised writing these in their handwriting sessions to cement their understanding of the spellings of these words.

In our Spanish lesson, we reviewed greetings and then learned how to ask, "What is your name?" and how to answer with our own names. We practised these conversations with our classmates.

In PSHE we have been looking at good behaviours. We have had some lovely discussions about how we can support others in making the right choices. We discussed what we thought would make a dream school.

In history, we recapped the fact that during the Stone Age people couldn’t read or write so therefore we have to learn about them from what archaeologists have found over the years. We studied the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods in the Stone Age. We learned about the main differences between them and how people's lives changed during these times.

Home learning:

● Please make sure you are reading with your child at least four times a week and commenting on their reading in their reading record book.
● Now we have TimesTables Rockstars, please support your child to access it online. It is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day for maximum impact.


● PE days for Year 3 are Thursdays and Fridays.
● Our library days are on Wednesdays, please can you make sure your child has their library book to return or renew. We have a few overdue books, please could you look for these at home, so your child can take home a new book.