2nd - 6th October 2023

Highlights of the week:

In English this week, we read the ending of Stone Age Boy. We then started planning and writing our own narrative, ‘21st Century Girl’. We thought about how a girl from the Stone Age might see our world. We drew story maps and wrote the opening of our stories.

21st Century Girl

In Maths this week, we have been learning about adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s. We looked at the different columns and how they changed when we were adding and subtracting. We also looked at our reasoning skills, thinking about how we can explain our thinking using mathematical terms.

This week in Phonics we looked at /-y/ as in gym and hymn. The class have shown great understanding in how to use the new phonics scheme and have practised saying, reading and writing the daily sounds.

In art, we continued our cave art unit. We made paint this week using natural materials. We searched the field to look for materials we could mix into the paint. After making our paints, we used them to paint our ‘cave walls’.

In our history class, we became archaeologists, exploring the Stone Age's three different periods. We organised important information by placing it into a Venn diagram. Through our exploration, we uncovered that life for people during the Stone Age underwent significant changes across these periods.

In PE, we continued with our Dodgeball unit. We practised the skills of catching and blocking the dodgeball. We used a second ball to block an oncoming dodgeball in order to stay in the game.


In computing, we looked at how to send an email and why people use emails as a way of communicating. We emailed Miss Batchelor or Mr Hammond to tell them all about what we had learnt. We also talked about the fact that not all emails are safe and we shouldn’t open some emails from people we do not know.

Home learning:

● Please make sure you are reading with your child at least four times a week and commenting on their reading in their reading record book.
● Now we have TimesTables Rockstars, please support your child to access it online. It is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day for maximum impact.


● PE days for Year 3 are Thursdays and Fridays.
● Our library days are on Wednesdays, please can you make sure your child has their library book to return or renew. We have a few overdue books, please could you look for these at home, so your child can take home a new book.