4th - 8th September 2023

Highlights of the week:

We have been so proud of how the children have started their first week in Year 3. They are really settling into the routines of KS2 and have stepped up to the challenge.

In English we have started the year by focusing on a literacy shed film called ‘Something Fishy’. We have enjoyed imagining what it would be like to jump into our washing machine to discover that our clothes had turned into fish! This week we have focused on vocabulary and expanding our vocabulary using a thesaurus.


We are currently working through a place value unit in Maths. To have a secure understanding we focused on place value with ‘tens and ones’ to 100. We have been using our estimating skills to place numbers on different number lines. After practising fluency, we have been reasoning our answers or responding to questions, this has been followed by problem solving.

This week in Phonics we looked at /-ey/ as in prey and /-eigh/ as in eight. The class have shown great understanding in how to use the phonics scheme and have practised saying, reading and writing the daily sounds.

In Art, we have started looking at cave paintings. We learnt about the different stories created within cave paintings. We then had a go at creating our own cave paintings in our sketchbooks. We thought about the colours, techniques and textures that we saw in the cave paintings. 

Cave paintings

We started our RE topic this week and we looked at what it means to belong. During the lesson, we discussed the different groups we belong to and realised that we had a lot in common with each other.

In Computing, we discussed the term ‘cyberbullying’. We looked at different scenarios and came up with possible solutions to help with cyberbullying. We concluded that if we think we are being cyber bullied or we think someone else is to tell a trusted adult.

Home learning:

● We have TimesTables Rockstars, please support your child to access it online. It is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day for maximum impact.
● Please make sure you are reading with your child at least four times a week.

Key Information:

● PE days for Year 3 are Thursdays and Fridays.
● Our library days are on Wednesdays, please can you make sure your child has their library book to return or renew.