25th - 29th September 2023

Highlights of the week:

In English this week the children have been looking closely at the character descriptions in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Then they were tasked with the job of creating their own character with a flawed personality! They discussed the meaning behind the names that used Roald Dahl and used this as inspiration for their own. The children then watched the interviews with each of the characters who won the Golden Ticket and planned how their own character would react during a news reporter interview. In pairs, they planned and role played the scenarios! At the end of the week, the children wrote a ‘Site of Application’ diary entry as Charlie when he won the golden ticket. This is to check that they remembered the skills they were taught at the start of Year 4 when they were taught all about the features of a diary.

Charlie and the Chocolate factory

In maths this week we have continued our Place Value to 10,000 unit. The children started estimating on a number line, before moving on to comparing and order numbers to 10,000. They used base ten and place value counters to help them compare.

Place value yr 4

In Science we have continued to observe the eggs that were used to represent the enamel of the tooth when we placed them into coke, orange juice, water and no added sugar squash. On Thursday, they observed the changes to their eggs and discussed whether their predictions of sugary drinks having a bigger impact were correct. They then wrote up their observations and conclusions.

In art this week we have been looking at the artist Wayne Thiebaud and responding to his use of colour and shadow. The children then had a go at using different painting techniques and discussing which ones they would use to create the desired texture.


Home learning:

● Please continue to support your child to access Times Tables Rockstars. For maximum impact, it is recommended that children play TTRS for 5 minutes a day.
● Please make sure you are reading with your child at least four times a week.

Key Information:

● PE days for Year 4 are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their kit on these days.
● Our library day is Monday, so please make sure your child has their library book to return or renew.