18th - 22nd September 2023

Highlights of the week:

This week the children have enjoyed their first Music and Jigsaw lessons.


Jigsaw supports children in learning about relationships and health, it is a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work that is used throughout the school. It gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. It has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Charanga – Musical School

As a school we follow the Charanga music programme. This programme introduces children to a wide range of musical skills and music from a range of styles and backgrounds. The lessons follow a four-part structure, listen and respond. Explore and create, sing, share and perform.


● We have been learning about the letters s and a which are code for the /s/ and /a/ sound. In your child’s phonics folder you will find the sheets that they have completed in the lessons this week. The children have all been engaged and taken well to the phonics lesson structure.
● We have then had a go at forming our letters correctly. We have been working on our pencil grip using our ‘pinchy fingers’ and trying to form the letters correctly using the word rhymes to support us.
● We have been using our skills of blending and segmenting to have a go at hearing the sounds all through the spoken words.

Year R S A


● This week we have explored mathematical concepts through story books. We have enjoyed stories such as Ten Black Dots and None the Number. We have followed up mathematical ideas from these books in our Independent Learning Time. Lots of the children chose to create their own Ten Black Dots pictures.

Ten black dots


● The children enjoyed their first visit to the library and have all chosen a book to read at home! Please remember to send in your library books and we will change these as a whole class on a Friday morning.

Home learning ideas:

● Can you find any items around your home that begin with the /s/ or /a/ sound? You could share what you find with us on tapestry to share with the rest of the class.
● Enjoy sharing and reading stories together. Talk about new vocabulary you discover in the books you read. Talk about the story characters, story events and story settings in the books you read.
● Can you find any books at home or in the library that have a mathematical theme? Talk about the mathematical concepts within the books. For example, counting, patterns or size.