25th - 29th September 2023

Highlights of the week:


● We have been learning about the letters t and i which are code for /t/ as in teddy and /i/ as in insect. In your child’s phonics folder you will find the sheets that they have completed in the lessons this week.
● We have then had a go at forming our letters correctly. We have been working on our pencil grip using our ‘pinchy fingers’ and trying to form the letters correctly using the rhymes to support us.
● We have been using our skills of blending and segmenting to have a go at hearing the sounds all through the spoken words.

t ii


● This week we have explored the concept of subitising. This is where children can see an amount and know the total amount without counting it. We have been subitising to 3 this week and looking at the different ways of showing this such as with counters or fingers. We have been playing the spotty game in maths and the children have become really quick at recognising total amounts.


● In music we listened to Happy by Pharrel Williams. We talked about how the music made us feel and about the things it made us think of. We enjoyed performing the song ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5’ and practised showing generosity by giving compliments to each other about the performances.


● The children enjoyed our visit to the library again. Please make sure your child brings their library book in ready to swap with the class every Friday morning!

Reading books:

● Please make sure your child’s colour band book is in their bookbag as we will be beginning to swap these with unit 1 books as they are able to start recognising and reading the sounds.

Home learning ideas:

● Can your child find anything at home that begins with the /t/ sound. You could share photos with us on tapestry of what they find.
● Enjoy sharing and reading stories together. Can you find any books at home that have any of the new sounds we have learnt in them? See if you can spot the /s/, /a/, /t/ or /i/ sound.
● Have a go at some letter formation using your finger and some shaving foam or flour! Send us your pictures on Tapestry.