

Clubs for Summer Term 2024

For the Summer Term 2024, a number of after school clubs provided by external companies will be running at Boorley Park.

Club Day Dates Year Groups Time Further Information to Book
ICON: Gymnastics Mondays 15th April - 22nd July 2024 All Year Groups 3:15pm - 4:15pm Email: with:

Your child's full name, class, year group, DOB, any medical conditions and a contact phone number.

Lego (Funky Play Bricks) Tuesdays 16th April - 16th July 2024 All Year Groups 3:15pm - 4:15pm Go to for more information and to book.
 ICON: Multi Sports  Tuesdays 16th April - 23rd July 2024 All Year Groups 3:15pm - 4:15pm  

 Email: with:

Your child's full name, class, year group, DOB, any medical conditions and a contact phone number.

Year R and KS1 Dance Wednesdays


17th April - 17th July 2024

Years R, 1 and 2 3:15pm - 4pm Email Laura at:

KS2 Dance Wednesdays


17th April - 17th July 2024

Years 3 and 4 4:15pm - 5pm

Email Laura at:

ICON: Football Thursdays 18th April - 18th July 2024 All Year Groups 3:15pm - 4:15pm Email: with:

Your child's full name, class, year group, DOB, any medical conditions and a contact phone number.

ICON: Archery Thursdays 18th April - 18th July  2024 All Year Groups 3:15pm - 4:15pm Email: with:
Your child's full name, class, year group, DOB, any medical conditions and a contact phone number.